Tuesday, September 4, 2018


The past year has seen many changes. We’ve moved to a new state, that we previously lived in. It’s our third time moving back to the same town. I think we’re meant to be there! So I think this time we’ll stay. It’s great to be closer to our son. We are building a new home, very exciting! And I started a new career, so far so good.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

My rant about reality tv. What is Real about reality tv? We watch & watch but what do we really see? on The Kardashians we never saw Lamar cheating or getting high, what we saw was "how perfect" things were until they announced the marriage was over & still never saw the "reality" of that relationship. we never saw Rob partying. No one saw Caitlin coming. On the show you never see products that they get paid millions of dollars to endorse. The only negative on the show is Scott's behavior & is that real? So what is the obsession with watching Nothing to see & learn Nothing?

Friday, May 15, 2015

After reading on nationalreview.com that "Politicians are reluctant to challenge special interests who make it harder to allocate infrastructure spending. The Davis-Bacon Act of 1931 requires the federal government to pay construction wages that are based on union rates, as a result these wages are 22 percent above market rates, on average. This shields unions from competition on federal construction projects and adds about $13 billion to the federal deficit every year. Ending the Davis-Bacon giveaway would free up money to repair infrastructure and employ 155,000 more construction workers." I'm left wondering why Politicians are Never reluctant to give money to themselves. It seems they've forgotten who the public servants are. Ending the Politician Giveaway would free up money to give all Americans a fair wage. Let's vote on Ending The Politician giveaway! Let's pay Politicians minimum wage, only pay them for the hours they actually work, the only benefits they receive are basic medical benefits, and their retirement is social security. Let's Vote America.

Happy Chocolate Update!

I am happy to report the marshmallow sticks are back!

Monday, September 15, 2014

chocolate disappointment

Today I went to my favorite chocolate store, it's a big chain store, to get our favorite, three chocolate covered marshmallows on a stick. They've changed how they're made & sold. No more stick, they're sold 12 in a bag & only a third of each marshmallow is dipped in chocolate! Disapointing! Is it a sign that the company's profits are down & the owners aren't making billions, just millions? Are they Bankrupt? Hopefully not. whatever will I do without my chocolate covered marshmallows? I guess what I did today. not have them. There's no way I was paying over $8 for 12 barely dipped marshmallows!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Why do people buy products that someone popular is paid extreme amounts of money to endorse? You never actually see the endorser using any of these products other than when being paid, sometimes you never see them using the products. If they say something about the product on Facebook or Twitter they get paid obscene amounts of money. Surely, I can't be the only one thinking this...

Monday, May 13, 2013

Planned Changes...

It's 3:40pm Monday. Today is the day I've chosen to begin my journey to a healthier more productive life. The first item on my journey is to eat healthier. Eight hours to go, I know I can do it. Even if just for today...